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We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.   Carl G. Jung Astro Maestra is like a light house in the sea which guides the ships through sea waves. We Help you to deal with blockages in your life and thus move forward with greater confidence and empowerment. We help you in your journey.

Astrology is based on placement of celestial bodies. Planets are the sources of energy. They are the actors on a stage where the play just happens to be our life. So, the way planets treat each other is what they want us to receive in our life. Each planet and each zodiac sign has its own mythology. If we want to understand this we must remember mythologies attached to the zodiac energies. Vedic astrology pays much more importance to Moon and Nakshatras. Most of us only know our Sun Sign and leave it at that. While our sun sign is indeed important and show us where we shine in our lives … or our Spirit … there is so much more to consider. For example, Mars represents our courage; Mercury is Communication; The Moon is about our mother and our emotions; Jupiter shows us where in we wish to expand and grow … and so on.

Vaastu is derived from the sanskrit word ‘vasathi’ which means ‘comfort’ and its actual meaning is a dwelling place derived from the root ‘vas’ which means ‘to live’ or ‘to reside’ whereas Shastra is the sanskrit word for ‘science’ and stands for the principles and guidelines. So, Vaastu shastra is the science of arranging five elements in nature at respective places in our house or offices so that they are in harmony with Universe which in turn will make the lives of the inmates happy and peaceful.