The zodiac signs represent “How” as in how the energy is expressed.  The houses of the zodiac represent the “Where” as in the areas of  life the energy will play out.Think about the planets not as inanimate objects in the sky, but rather as archetypal energy.  Think of them as actors on a stage where the play just happens to be your life. Think of your neighbourhood, your family, your friends.  How do they treat each other, what are they saying, who speaks to whom and how, who gets on and who doesn’t.  Thinking like this helps make your astrology chart come alive.

Each planet and each zodiac sign has its own mythology.  When thinking of astrology, I always encourage people to think of nature, of the cycles of nature, imagine the planets … how they look, consider the mythology behind their planetary names.  Think of the mythologies attached to the zodiac.  In short … ALWAYS TRY TO THINK OF ASTROLOGY VISUALLY.

Most of us know our Sun Sign and leave it at that.  While our sun sign is indeed important given that the archetype of the Sun is to show us where we shine in our lives … or our Spirit … there is so much more to consider.  As an example, Mars represents our drive and motivation; Venus is our desire; Mercury is how we learn and communicate; The Moon is about our past and our emotions; Jupiter shows us where in our lives we wish to expand and grow … and so on.

A conceptual understanding of the celestial influence on your life will assist you to take action to ensure the most effective outcomes for your efforts.


We, spend most of our time inside a building be it our home, office or anything else. It’s also a fact that everything in the universe have a level of energy associated with them. Vaastu eliminates the negativity and enhances positive energies around us. Hence it’s right to say that all buildings and even the land on which a building is erected has vibrations of energy associated with it.

Some energies are positive while others are negative . Vaastu Shastra lays down some principles which were originally carefully guarded and meant for only temples, palaces and for the elite. However, these principles gradually spread by word of mouth as set, rigid rules and were used for houses as well. The ancient Rishis who formulated Vaastu Shastra, in all their wisdom knew that unless they enforced the principles of planning very strictly, people won’t be able build structures which will be not be auspicious for their inhabitants. Perhaps to prevent such a situation, the principles of Vaastu Shastra were made hard and fast rules.

Guidelines of vaastu shastra enables human to draw on all-embracing role of mother earth for best results. Vaastu is derived from the sanskrit word ‘vasathi’ which means ‘comfort’ and its literal meaning is a dwelling place derived from the root ‘vas’ which means ‘to live’ or ‘to reside’. Vaastu is a broad term that also includes Bhoomi ,
Prasad,Yaana,and Shayana whereas Shastra is the sanskrit word for ‘science’ and stands for the principles and guidelines .Therefore, Vaastu shastra is the science of arranging the above-mentioned elements in their respective places so that they are in harmony, which in turn will make the lives of the inmates happy and peaceful. The fundamental principle of Vastu Shastra is to add ‘Value to the Life of the man’ staying in a building by bringing about harmony between the inmate, nature and the built environment. Essentially, Vastu Shastra aims to eliminate negative energy and enhance positive energy present at a place or location so that a person, family or even business inhabiting a building become prosperous and progressive.

Vastu Shastra has evolved over centuries and from experience it has been documented that the improper positioning of rooms with respect to the surrounding elements causes an imbalance and when the harmonics between elements gets disturbed, the energies in the inmates get dissipated in different directions leading to stress, tension and ill-health. The thinking and action of people inhabiting or working in these buildings also get affected adversely. 

But we all know that, it is not always possible to rigidly follow all the guidelines because of various limitations. So, we should apply the principles based on science behind these principles to live a peaceful life.